

提升你的经验,在这些当地的地标, 每一个都在我们顶级药房的步行距离之内.

When consumed with intention, 大麻能增强地方感, making you incredibly present. It can draw out the unique nuances of an experience by magnifying your feelings and highlighting the little details of your environment, place, or setting.

The phrase “Mindset and Setting” has been part of San Francisco’s local cannabis lingo for decades. It tracks back to psychedelic research in the 1950s and explores the notion of pairing one’s state of mind with the perfect environment.  Today, mindfully pairing specific cannabis products with a specific setting is an experience art form for visitors and locals alike.

Lucky for you, San Francisco is chock-full of iconic signature settings that bode well for a cannabis-enhanced point of view. Whether you want a CBD-inspired enjoy-the-moment presence or a slightly altered state with a side of spontaneous laughter, San Francisco’s got you covered.

Pop into one of our many world-class cannabis shops or lounges.  Share your itinerary and experience level with your budtender and ask for recommendations.

在吸食大麻时,一定要“慢慢来,慢慢来”. Edibles and beverages may take hours to generate effects, so be patient and plan accordingly.  Know the cannabis do’s and don’ts 在你开始你的冒险之前.

Here are five signature San Francisco settings that pair perfectly with a cannabis-enhanced point of view.


Golden Gate Bridge

作为贝博体彩app最具辨识度的地标 Golden Gate Bridge is a must-see in any state of mind. An engineering marvel, the suspension bridge has supported more than 2 billion cars across its 1.7-mile span that connects the San Francisco Peninsula and Marin County since it opened nearly 90 years ago.

在走到桥前,微风拂过你的头发,凝视着它的巨大, spend time at Urbana on Geary, where you are invited to enjoy your cannabis in a bright and airy lounge with the help of an on-site cannabis concierge. Beverages, chocolates, 预卷都在你的指尖, as are rolling papers, grinders, and lighter services. 

After your lounge session, 前往普雷西迪奥,选择几个令人难以置信的景观. 对于一个隐蔽而宁静的有利位置,f沿着炮台到布拉夫斯小道向马歇尔海滩走去. Take your time walking down the 400 feet of cliff-to-sand stairs and wait for a golden sunset to reflect the bridge in the sparkling waters. For another swoon-worthy perspective, 在克丽丝菲尔德(Chrissy Field)旁边的长廊小径上,点缀着许多长凳. Embrace the ocean breeze, crashing waves, 还有从桥下飘向恶魔岛的浓雾之美.


Cable Cars

Cable car 乘坐游乐设施是贝博体彩app独一无二的享受,不容错过.  It’s a sensory experience of sights, sounds, 还有贝博体彩app特有的景色, 非常适合大麻刺激的冒险.

在加利福尼亚和市场街的拐角处,跳上加利福尼亚缆车.  Just a short ride later,  你会来到加利福尼亚街和海德街的拐角处, where California Street Cannabis Co. is located.  Look for the green awning and the beautifully designed blue and white sign with the cable car image. 下车,享受一下大麻店的体验. California Street Cannabis Co. is an equity owned award-winning shop that offers a wide-selection of products to learn about and choose from including CBD-rich options.

准备好后,跳回去,进入你的缆车冒险!  忘记时间,忘记下一个目的地. There are three cable car lines. 加州有轨电车从市中心往东西方向开往凡尼斯大道, climbing the steep hills of historic Nob Hill. 鲍威尔-海德缆车和鲍威尔-梅森缆车从南北方向连接 Union Square with Fisherman’s Wharf. 如果你把任何一条路带到了尽头,就掉头回到你开始的地方.  Eventually, make your way to the intersection of California and Powell streets where all the cable car lines intersect, 如果你愿意的话,你可以往不同的方向滚. Enjoy the ride.


The Ferry Building

可以考虑在巴巴里海岸的大麻商店和休息室享受一个充满大麻的早晨, just a short walk from the Ferry Building. The doors open at 8 a.m. Sit back and watch the world wake up from a cannabis lounge, a one-of-a-kind experience in itself.  When inspiration strikes, head to the Ferry Building, 这座城市在工艺方面的骄傲总是在那里展示. On Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, 露天农贸市场为前面的广场带来活力.

Step inside to browse the Ferry Building Marketplace for artisanal foodie finds and elegant home goods. Makers of chocolate, ice cream, bread, olive oil, cheese, cured meats, mushrooms, 更多的餐厅提供各种小吃,一定能满足你的渴望. Beyond the food hall, check out the Fog City Flea Trading Post 从当地商人那里轻松买到清凉的纪念品, including clothing, jewelry, vintage wares, and original art. 

一旦你饱览了内景, 走出屋后,欣赏海湾大桥的壮丽景色, 在众多的海滨餐馆中找一张桌子坐下, or catch that ferry to Sausalito, Tiburon, or Larkspur.


Fisherman's Wharf

想激发你孩童般的好奇心?  Fisherman’s Wharf packs in the old-school fun alongside restaurants where freshly caught seafood is always on the menu. 

Before you embark on the bustling water-front walkabout, pop into the nearby Seaweed cannabis shop. Make your cannabis enhancement selection, then follow the salty air two blocks to the water’s edge. Expect to be dazzled by at least one street performance and stay on the lookout for performers who aim to surprise tourists with clever theatrics. 如果你参与这些表演,给小费是一种普遍的礼貌. 

让自己沉浸在大海中,而不会被弄湿 Aquarium of the Bay. Walking through the exhibits and tunnels will leave you with a greater appreciation for the creatures that call the San Francisco Bay and surrounding waters home. 水母特别有冥想和迷幻的感觉. 慢慢来,欣赏这些活生生的艺术作品吧. If you’re up for a nostalgic trip, head over to Pier 45 for vintage coin-operated arcade games at Musée Mécanique, where brain teasers and fortune teller machines are sure to bring amusement to an uplifting afternoon.

  • Recommended Cannabis Shop: Seaweed


Painted Ladies

在药房买了大麻之后 the Castro计划在阿拉莫广场公园享受几个小时的美景. Bring a picnic lunch, kick off your shoes, 把你的脚放在草地上放松一下. 放慢脚步,享受贝博体彩app的美景, which extends beyond the natural wonders and shines in the architecture and colors of man-made beauty. 

仔细观察名人的细节 Painted Ladies, a row of Victorian houses that line Steiner Street across from the park’s grassy field. 这些粉嫩的美女已经出现在许多电影和电视节目中, 以城市天际线为背景,拍一张完美的明信片照片. On a nice day, you’re likely to encounter creatives capturing the scene with a camera or a paintbrush in hand. If you are feeling inspired, 拍一些照片或拿出速写本, and preserve the moment for yourself.

Picnickers sit on the grass at Alamo Square Park with the Painted Ladies and San Francisco skyline in the background.

Brian Applegarth

Brian is the Founder of 国际大麻旅游协会 (CTAI), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the sustainable evolution of cannabis and hemp travel globally. He is a seasoned world traveler, who seeks authentic and off-the-beaten track cultural experiences combined with cannabis and hemp-infused adventures. 布莱恩是一位值得信赖的顾问和顾问,为屡获殊荣的旅游目的地提供服务. 他热衷于文化保护, sustainable development, 以及促进包容的变革性旅行体验, equity, and well-being. Brian is creating The Cannabis Trail, a nine-county cultural journey that celebrates the story of the cannabis legalization movement.